Prime Your Pump!
Jesus answered, "Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, but those who drink the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life." --John 4:14
Pump priming is when water (God's Spirit) is used to draw up more water (God's Spirit within you) from a water well (your life which contains God's Spirit and spiritual gifts) that has already been tapped (chosen and prepared to help others have life). Pump priming needs to occur when air (life's circumstances) has seeped down into the pump (your heart or life), replacing water (whole health & life) and causing a loss of pressure (power, energy, zest, desire). Most pumps (hearts or lives) usually use water to create the pressure and suction (power) needed to pull up more water (life) from below ground (deep within you). Therefore, when air (life's circumstances) seeps into the system (your mind, body, and spirit), there is a loss of pressure (power, energy, zest, desire). In order to prime the pump (restore power), often all that is needed is another source of the water (God's Spirit or Living Water) being sought. This is usually accomplished simply by pouring some of that water (also called Living Water, Life-Giving Water, or The Word of God) down the well (deep within your mind and spirit). Once that is done, simply turning on the pump or using a hand crank, depending on the type of pump, is usually all that is required to get the water (your life) flowing again.
Pump priming is when water (God's Spirit) is used to draw up more water (God's Spirit within you) from a water well (your life which contains God's Spirit and spiritual gifts) that has already been tapped (chosen and prepared to help others have life). Pump priming needs to occur when air (life's circumstances) has seeped down into the pump (your heart or life), replacing water (whole health & life) and causing a loss of pressure (power, energy, zest, desire). Most pumps (hearts or lives) usually use water to create the pressure and suction (power) needed to pull up more water (life) from below ground (deep within you). Therefore, when air (life's circumstances) seeps into the system (your mind, body, and spirit), there is a loss of pressure (power, energy, zest, desire). In order to prime the pump (restore power), often all that is needed is another source of the water (God's Spirit or Living Water) being sought. This is usually accomplished simply by pouring some of that water (also called Living Water, Life-Giving Water, or The Word of God) down the well (deep within your mind and spirit). Once that is done, simply turning on the pump or using a hand crank, depending on the type of pump, is usually all that is required to get the water (your life) flowing again.