About Pastoral Counseling...
What is pastoral counseling?
"Pastoral counseling refers to the process by which a pastoral counselor utilizes insights and principles derived from the disciplines of theology and the behavioral sciences in working with individuals, couples, families, groups and social systems toward the achievement of wholeness and health. (formerly American Association of Pastoral Counselors)
What is a pastoral counselor?
"A pastoral counselor refers to a minister who practices pastoral counseling at an advanced level which integrates religious resources with insights from the behavioral sciences." (formerly American Association of Pastoral Counselors)
Is pastoral counseling for pastors only?
No. -- Pastoral counseling is for anyone. The term "pastoral" describes the type of counseling we provide and not necessarily the person to whom we provide our services. Although pastors are included among our counselees, our services are not limited to pastors only. If you desire counseling that integrates theological and religious insights with the behavioral sciences, then pastoral counseling is for you.
"Pastoral counseling refers to the process by which a pastoral counselor utilizes insights and principles derived from the disciplines of theology and the behavioral sciences in working with individuals, couples, families, groups and social systems toward the achievement of wholeness and health. (formerly American Association of Pastoral Counselors)
What is a pastoral counselor?
"A pastoral counselor refers to a minister who practices pastoral counseling at an advanced level which integrates religious resources with insights from the behavioral sciences." (formerly American Association of Pastoral Counselors)
Is pastoral counseling for pastors only?
No. -- Pastoral counseling is for anyone. The term "pastoral" describes the type of counseling we provide and not necessarily the person to whom we provide our services. Although pastors are included among our counselees, our services are not limited to pastors only. If you desire counseling that integrates theological and religious insights with the behavioral sciences, then pastoral counseling is for you.
About Faith-Integrated Counseling...
What is "Faith-Integrated Counseling?
At Wells of Wholeness, Inc.®, "faith-integrated counseling" refers to counseling that integrates psychotherapy, theology, psychology, and other behavioral sciences with spirituality and faith. Because we believe that your spiritual, emotional and physical needs are inextricably connected. "Faith" (yours and/or your counselor's) becomes a valuable resource to the healing process in the counseling context. In other words, when there is suffering in any area of life, there is a mind-body-spirit connection --and "faith-integrated counseling" provides relief, healing and wholeness.
Is "Faith-Integrated Counseling" for religious people only?
Absolutely not! Persons with or without a religious background can participate in and benefit from "faith-integrated counseling. You and your counselor do not need to agree on religious denominations, doctrines or tenets of faith in order to receive faith-integrated counseling services. However, we ensure that our counselors, who possess a strong knowledge and awareness of psychotherapy and pastoral counseling, are also grounded in their own faith with an awareness of how it impacts their use of "self" in the counseling process.
At Wells of Wholeness, Inc.®, "faith-integrated counseling" refers to counseling that integrates psychotherapy, theology, psychology, and other behavioral sciences with spirituality and faith. Because we believe that your spiritual, emotional and physical needs are inextricably connected. "Faith" (yours and/or your counselor's) becomes a valuable resource to the healing process in the counseling context. In other words, when there is suffering in any area of life, there is a mind-body-spirit connection --and "faith-integrated counseling" provides relief, healing and wholeness.
Is "Faith-Integrated Counseling" for religious people only?
Absolutely not! Persons with or without a religious background can participate in and benefit from "faith-integrated counseling. You and your counselor do not need to agree on religious denominations, doctrines or tenets of faith in order to receive faith-integrated counseling services. However, we ensure that our counselors, who possess a strong knowledge and awareness of psychotherapy and pastoral counseling, are also grounded in their own faith with an awareness of how it impacts their use of "self" in the counseling process.